The mission of EMS Foundation is to alleviate and end suffering, raise public awareness, lobby, empower, provide dignity, and promote the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, particularly children, the elderly, and wild animals. We do this by supporting and sustaining humane solutions, interventions, and campaigns, and within the context of the interconnectedness of all things and the commonalities of oppression.
Focus Areas
- Youth at Risk
- Skills Development
- Poverty Relief
- Wild Life Rescue and Rehabilitation
- Impact Litigation
- Research and Investigations
- Exposés
- Campaigning, Advocacy, and Lobbying
We are a registered charity, with tax exemption status, in the United Kingdom and South Africa, and imminent registration in the USA.
Projects and Programs Needing Your Support
The EMS Foundation has identified four game-changing projects/programs that if supported will have major and long-lasting impacts. One hundred percent of funds raised go directly to these projects and programs.
Ottery Youth Care Centre (OYCC)
The OYCC provides discipline, supervision, and a caring, non-denominational environment to 80 boys from the most dysfunctional and chaotic environments in the Western Cape, where gangsterism, drug and alcohol misuse, physical and emotional abuse, and offending is common place. With a focus on education, the Centre is working to reintegrate children back into society as productive members of their community.
Litigation to Stop South Africa Trading in Lion Bone and Rhino Horn
Despite international outcry, South Africa allows 800 lion skeletons to be traded into the “tiger wine” market in South East Asia. Allowing the trade in lion bones is a key threat to both wild tigers and lions, and that the legal trade serves as a cover for illegally wild-sourced lion (and other big cat) parts.
Against global opinion, South Africa is allowing the domestic trade of rhino horn and pushing for the re-opening of the international trade. This is leading to the extirpation of rhinos in the wild.
Developing Young Documentary Filmmakers in South Africa
This project provides young activist filmmakers from poor socioeconomic communities with the opportunity to gain practical experience and skills in documentary filmmaking and work as citizen journalists telling important stories from their communities. The focus is on people, animals, and the environment. By opening up discussions around these topics, a kinder, more compassionate, and caring world is created.
Closing the Door on Elephants in Captivity in South Africa: Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Sanctuary of Elephants From the Elephant-Back Safari Industry
This is our BIGGEST project, but elephants are BIG animals and require BIG support! The EMS Foundation is at the forefront of lobbying for the closure of elephants in circuses, zoos, and the elephant-back safari industry in South Africa. We have also been working closely with elephant rehabilitation specialists and have been involved in successfully rehabilitating elephants back to the wild. Land needs to be acquired to accommodate the BIG needs of the 105 elephants caught up in this cruel industry.
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